On my soap box;
The FDA wants to require the oyster industry to treat all oysters harvested in the Gulf of Mexico for Vibrio vulnificus a bacteria that kills 15 people out of the millions who eat raw oysters each year. Endanger a 500 million dollar industry, 3500 oystermen, 100’s of companies… for 15 people out of millions.
When will we come to terms with the fact that no one lives forever. Life is the journey and death is everyone’s destination. If we could stop all illness, all disease, and all death, what would we do with all the people? There is only so much room on Mother Earth for organic life. Where would the beauty of nature (other than humans) be safe? Where would we produce enough to feed, house, clothes and have elbowroom for all those people?
We could not! There is not enough room.
People have to die, from old age, disease, accidents, broken or failed bodies. Humans find a cure, fix a problem and still nature finds a new illness, accidents still happen.
Let us learn and teach our children that death is the natural course we all take and not to fear it. Teach them to find their passion and pursue it. Teach them that each and every moment is important. Teach them to live life with intention. Teach them that life is precious but not permanent.
i love you, glenn!